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Cheeze it promo for watching Prime movies

Cheeze it promo for watching Prime movies

Cheeze-It has opened up a fruitful partnership with Amazon. The campaign headlined Cheez it snaped and stream promotes their cheez it snap’d line of snacks.

With the promo you stand to get credits to fuel your Prime video purchases and rentals and credits to buy snacks.

You can save $5 each month and total them off to a big purchase later down the road. When you want.

Direct Link [Amazon]

When you watch at least 5 hours of content on Prime video you get the following things:

$5 prime video credit

$5 cheez it credit

Enroll every month to access and complete the offer.

5 Hours Of Select Content

To get the credits, you’ll have to watch 5 hours of movies on Prime Video.

That said you can’t watch whatever content you want and fill the requirements. You have to watch 5 plus hours of select content.

The movie theme for instance gets you content from 15 movies.

Sign into amazon with the direct link and click on enroll now.

Do I need to be a Prime member to participate?

You don’t need prime membership to participate. No prime members can rent titles from the catalogYes you need to enroll every month to be considered for the credits.

Select the video and login and as you’re logged in the minutes will get counted.

The streaming needs to be carried out online.

The program has already started and generally begins on the first day of each month at 12 am and ends on the last day at 11 59 pm. The credits expire by 31 jan 2021.

What can I use the credit on?

The $5 credit that you get can be used toward cheez it snap’d and cheez it products. 

The $5 credit can be coupled until 31st Dec and used to buy larged produccts. The video credit can be used to purchase movies and shows on Prime video too.

As long as you’re in the Us you can get the credit and use that to save money.

The credit companies and partnerships are always offering you free money.

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